SpongeBob Fanon Wiki


SpongeBob Fanon Wiki
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Hoopla!!! Poster 2
Hoopla and Derpy.

MTV, Nickelodeon (Mornings Only), Da Kings Station, Kingshire
Comedy, Science Fiction
The Hoosiers, Smash Mouth
Main Cast
Da King, John DiMakkgio, Calyon Lawrence
Da King Of SpongeBob Fans

Hoopla!!! is a spin-off of The Spongy Games.


Hoopla, a shy office worker, moves from Bikini Bottom after living in his parents garbage yard and moves to Rock Bottom. But is forced to share a apartment with Derpy Mcderpyson one of the deadliest fish in the sea! But with Derpy, Sally and Sullivan they go on normal yet crazy adventures.

Theme Song

All Star by Smash Mouth:

(In the intro shows a quick montage of Hoopla growing up to become the man he is today)


Rock Bottom

  • Bus Station
  • Hoopla/Derpy's house
  • Hoopla Coffee Shop
  • Apartment Bridge
  • Retirement home
  • Court House
  • The Coffee Bucket


  • Bikini Bottom Prison
  • Bikini Bottom

Story Arcs

These are the order of episodes

Story Arc Started Ended
The series Rock Bottom Life ???
Hooly Rock Bottom Life ???
Pet Sullivan!!!!!!!!!!! ???
The apocalypse Fishymon Go! Welcome To Hell!


Season 1

Title Card Name Description
Rock Bottom Life Hoopla moves in.
Sullivan Hoopla adopts a sea dog at Carl's pet store. Meanwhile as Derpy takes over the coffee shop, a fat baby disturbs the customers.
G.A.L. Derpy asks Plankton to create G.A.L. Derpy's girlfriend who turns evil!
Coming To Theaters........... After seeing the poorly made movie Harry Fisher And The Narwhal Stone. Hoopla and Derpy try to have a crack of making one.
Treasure Hunt! After finding a treasure map. Derpy leads Hoopla and Sally on a stupid quest to find Sea Life London.
High Tides After slipping and farting, Hoopla turns into a popular meme on High Tides. Meanwhile Derpy tries to become internet famous like his bud with embarrassing results.
Flying In A Plane Hoopla, Derpy and Sally go on a plane to Dorito Con in Sea Vegas. But an evil waitress kidnaps Sally.
Fishymon Go! Hoopla tries to get the widely popular game Fishymon Go banned when it causes the world to corrupt to insanity!
Welcome To Hell! Hoopla goes to hell to stop the devil from killing people.
World Of Boar Craft Derpy joins the real life fantasy role-playing game group with Derpy.
Trouble Date Hoopla and Sally are on a date. But when Derpy and her new found love Megan join the date, things go down a rocky road.
Hoopla Wars:A new Hop This non canon season fianle tells the story of Sheldon JR. as the Hoopla characters mimic the Star Wars saga.


Hoopla-A shy worker and main character of the series.He opens a coffee shop in Rock Bottom.His parents are builders.He has a pet sea dog named Sullivan and a roommate named Derpy.

Derpy Mcderpyson-His trademark line,hoopla is the name of Hoopla.He is a criminal until scientist erased his mind and now he's a lazy but loving friend of Hoopla.

Sally-Hoopla girlfriend who is always called Sexy Sally.Hoopla and she bumped into each other and became Boyfriend and Girlfriend.

Sullivan-Hoopla pet sea dog who hates everyone but Hoopla his owner.

Joe-A regular customer who sleeps behind McDonald's.He had a wife named Judy until he got drunk and pooed in her hair.

Carl-Owner of Carl's pet store.He is a wizard.

Principal Bill-The coffee crazed headmaster of Rock Bottom High.

G.A.L.-Derpy evil robot girlfriend who tried to destroy all of fishmanity!

Post Man Guy-A weird funny Fish guy on a unicycle who counts as a mailman.

Dr.Crazy Guy-A mad scientist who turned Hoopla into a monster.

Evil Waitress-A evil waitress on Sea Airlines.

Mark-Derpy cool cousin who owns Rock Bottom!

Satan (Hoopla!!!)-A menacing version of the king of hell.

Jeff-The main villain of the episode World Of Boar Craft who is a brony corrupted king!

Sign-Ups Corner

Current positions:Episode creator,Writer

i would like to be episode creator and writer ---- Jaden Walsh


The spin-off is cancelled.

Idea Corner

No weird stuff please!


Hooly-Hoopla and Sally (Canon)

Derpymc Emma-Derpy and Emma (Canon)
